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Positive Reinforcement

Here at Best Paw Forward Dogs, we use positive and kind training methods in order to help create a stable relationship between dog and owner. For this, positive reinforcement is the only way we train – no harsh punishments or “dog whispering” here! We only reward what we like and ignore what we don’t. We use treats, toys, and real-world rewards as a way of encouraging certain desirable behaviours and changing the way dogs think. Pairing this with clickers or verbal markers, we can teach even the most “untrainable” dogs.


With positive reinforcement being used as a jumping-off point, we then use a combination of three different training methods: luring, capturing, and shaping.

Image by John Tuesday
Dog Collar


With capturing, we take a “snapshot” of a behaviour that a dog will offer spontaneously. We then mark and reward that behaviour as soon as it happens. Capturing can be good for naturally offered behaviours (like sitting or lying down)

Image by Camylla Battani


Through luring, we use our rewards as a way to “pull” our dogs into the desired position. Then, when in the correct position, the dog is marked and rewarded. Luring can be a great way to help train dogs who are food motivated, dogs who are easily distracted, or young puppies.

Image by Hkyu Wu


Shaping is the most complex way to train a dog. With shaping, we slowly increase the criteria in what we want our dog to do. For example, if you wanted to teach your dog to go to a mat, you first mark and reward for going towards the mat, then for orienting around the mat, then for stepping on the map, and then for sitting on the map. It’s time consuming, but a great way for teaching more advanced behaviours.

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Business hours: 9am - 5pm
Phone: 07305 383631

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